How MAny people can you have in a team?

Tourer teams of 2 pers | Adventurer teams of 4 pers |

Explorer teams of 4-6 pers

(Each event may differ, please check the event page for exact numbers)

What facilities will be at the campsite?

If a campsite is provided as part of an event there will be toilets, running water and limited power for charging mobile devices.

How much navigation experience do i need?

You need to have a good understanding of map reading and navigating; the level of expertise will be specified in the details for each event.

Details of all navigation techniques we use are in the Event Guide.

The Zoom briefing will run through the navigational techniques and answer any points you may have.

WHat will be in the zoom briefing?

Overview of the Event.

More details on Event Sections and challenges.

Walk through of the a SMART Event and run through of navigation techniques

Q & A

What insurance do I need?

Insurance will vary depending on the type of event and if it is staged in the UK or abroad. You will need to make your own judgement as to the level of insurance you require but you may wish to take out accident insurance for adventurer and explorer events. For overseas events you should have full travel insurance including medical, rescue (adventure and explorer) and repatriation. You should also ensure your vehicle insurance covers navigation (non-motor sport) events.

What equipment do i need?

On each event page there will be a kit list of everything you need and also what we will provide. This will change for every event - so check the specific web-page.

Do i have to bring my own maps & Navigation equipment?

We will provide you with all the paper mapping you require for the event but you will need to provide your own smartphones, compasses, map cases, marker pens, romer, and other navigation / route planning items - we can advise.

what safety gear do i need?

You will require standard safety gear for the type of adventure activity you are undertaking. For Tourer events this will be very little (hi-vis vests etc in case of vehicle breakdown) but for adventurer and explorer you may need such things as bike helmets, body armour, survival blankets etc. We will provide a list of minimum safety gear for each event.

What assistance is available ?

There are on-call staff with an emergency call number to assist you with problems which may arise during the event. Note: this does not include vehicle assistance other than limited towing, or medical assistance other than minor first aid and where appropriate movement to medical facilities.

Can I use GPS?

Yes, you can use GPS and digital mapping to supplement non electronic navigation but this should not be relied on as our events are designed to test traditional navigation techniques and route planning.